Bjørn-Henrik Lybeck (b. 1985) is a visual artist who lives and works in Oslo, Norway. He graduated from Bergen Academy of Arts and Design in 2015 with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts. The traditions of straight photography and post-war photojournalism greatly influenced his photography practice. Employing a formal and non-staged style of photography, he carries the legacy into contemporary practice.

Photographing in urban environments and architecture for more than a decade, Cities of the West is interested in what common denominators can be found between several cities of the West. As a keen observer picking up on psychogeography and atmospheric tension, Lybeck are interested in what architecture and public spaces can tell us about our attitude towards humanity.

Essay by Marius Moldvær.

400 NOK / 35 € / 40 $

Published 2024
Designed by Mads Andersen /
27,5 x 25 cm. / 84 pages
Hardcover, 4+4 UV offset
Edition of 200