Noöspherics is a book by Erin Sexton. It includes process and traces of her 2017 solo exhibition Noösphere (Lydgalleriet, Bergen, NO), as well as interviews with and essays by her local and international collaborators, discussing neuroscience, dance and rhythm, collective consciousness, UFOs, Norse mythology, radio technology, and art.
Erin Sexton (b1982) is a Canadian artist whose works could be described as ritualistic science fiction experiments. They accelerate toward speculative futures where alternate modes of perception might somehow liberate us. In her sculptures and installations she tries to blur the boundaries between abstract models and everyday objects, searching for playful potential within paradox. Global warming and existential threat are undercurrents in her work, explored through expanded notions of time and materiality. As a licensed amateur radio operator (LB9OH/VE2SXN), transmission and collaboration are central to her practice.
With this publication, Erin has found a place to gather her thoughts, influences, coordinates and collaborators.
200 NOK / 20 € / 25 $